Well I know I said I wasn't going to post any political bullshit on this blog but whats one post, especially in the wake of yesterdays election? Because quite frankly I'm outraged.
I woke up to results that I wasn't expecting. I woke up to results that made history and I'm not sure its the good kind of history. I woke up sick to my stomach knowing that as a woman I no longer have the rights to my own life and body that I went to bed with. I woke up disappointed.
Am I happy about the results? No. I'm not happy that my country showed me just how sexist we really are. It's actually sickening to me that we would rather have a sexist, demeaning monster in office than a woman. Yes, I understand that Hillary wasn't a saint and she's done things in her past that she's not proud of, but who hasn't? Why do we continuously judge each other for past mistakes, especially ones that happened years ago and have been investigated? But that's what happened and continues to happen, so there's not really any point in complaining, just have to accept it and move on.
Am I shocked? Yes and No. Yes, because of everything that Trump has said wasn't always best for every citizen of the United States. I mean I can be shocked when his own republican party had once said that he isn't fit to run the States. However, I'm not shocked at the same time because some of his views and policies he wants to put into action are genuinely what we need. I may not agree with 98% of the things he stands for or like the way he looks at people who aren't his 1% (basically everyone who isn't a white American male) and I like having the rights I have as a woman that he has said he's against but I am also secure enough to say that he's not all bad (at least I hope not). He has said that he wants to create jobs and that he wants to protect the coal miners, and our rights to owning guns and those are important issues, so he can't be all bad.. Right?
I have to have hope that he will do what the American citizens need him to do while he is in office. I have to have hope that he won't destroy everything that woman, LGBTQ, African Americans, Latino/a, Mexicans, Muslims and everyone else who isn't a white American male have worked so hard for. I have to have hope that the women's rights that the suffragettes have fought for and protested to get us wasn't all a waste. I have to have hope that this isn't the end of the country that I grew up in and love so much.
I'm not going to lie I am genuinely scared for my future, for my nieces futures, for my future children, I really hope that they can grow up in a happy world and not one so full of hate and intolerance. I want to be able to watch my nieces grow up and be able to conquer the world and not have to worry about a man telling her she can't do it. I want her to be confident in herself enough to know that she doesn't need a man to survive. I do not have any children yet, and I can tell you I will not bring a child into this world until I know they are safe and secure. I don't want to have to tell my children, especially a daughter, that her country turned their backs on her and decided she wasn't good enough to have the same rights as a man does. BUT I WILL be able to tell my children their mother did not vote for a man who wants treat so many races and communities like they don't matter and that they aren't important. I WILL tell my daughter and nieces that even though Hillary couldn't defeat this monster, that doesn't mean my girls can't. We can still do what a man does, and we can do it better and do it in heels. I can tell then that they can change the world for the better and that they don't need a man to be successful, they just need to be confident in who they are and know what they stand for.
Now if you are one for the millions of people who voted Trump into office, its okay I won't hold it against you. I may be a little angry right now but that anger will go away, it may take 4 years but it will go away. I'm not going to end a friendship or berate you for who you voted for, but I will continue to express my opinion just like you can continue to express your. We all have our own views and opinions and guess what? That's okay, that's how we were made, its a part of being human.
I know that this election has put a strain on everyone but its going to be okay. You know how I know? I take comfort in knowing that everything happens for a reason and I may not know that reason or even understand it but I firmly believe that the man upstairs has a plan for us and this is a part of his plan. The good Lord knows what he is doing and I have faith that he's doing the right thing and will protect us from any evil.
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